Sunset at Argonaut Wharf

Sunset at Argonaut Wharf
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Uploaded by Bryan Chu on Jan 31 2021 in Courtenay
Taken on May 09 2020

One of the interesting things about human structures built in the ocean is they can provide additional habitat for animals and plants. This can be an artificial reef made from a ship, an oil rig, or a pier or jetty. All provide extra surface area for invertebrates like anemones, corals, barnacles, and sea stars to make their home, in turn creating habitat for countless other little critters. I timed this dive at Argonaut Wharf for a good slack tide on a clear day at sunset. I love spending time in the shallows playing with the dappled light sparkling through the water, and the numerous colourful invertebrates around, including this colourful ochre star!

Tagged: starfish sea_life animal invertebrate water


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